Paint splatter wallpaper is one of alternative of painting for bedrooms. For some people, splatter wallpaper provide a high artistic value. In addition, boys and girls are usually love this wallpaper for their wall because they can show their expression on the splatter wallpaper they choose. Splatter painted wallpaper also a nice choice for less cost of wall painting. Teen is characterized with unstable person. They still look for something different and special that suit to their desire. It is also happened when it comes for wall of their room. They want to get something different and strange. As parent, of course you will try to give the best you can for the pleasure of your teen.
If your teen push for bright neon colors for their bedroom and you don’t have any idea, you can paint the entire walls of the room of your teen and use the splattered paint effect for the all. It will provide pop and cool of color, so it will messy look. To make paint splatter wallpaper for your teen, you may will get difficult in choosing the color because you don’t understand about the colors that is desired by your teen. You can let her to choose several bright colors, bold shades, and taking turn flicking the brushes at the walls for splattering the colors to random patterns.
Paint splatter wallpaper ideas
If you want, you can cover all the walls with splatter effect or choose to make an accent wall with just covering a wall. The following is some steps on how to paint your wall with splattered paint. Before you start to paint, you need to cover the floor of your room by using old sheets in order to protect the floor from the flyaway paint. In addition, you may need to cover your ceiling. Dip the paintbrush’ bristles into the paint; flick the paint at the wall, and keeping the paintbrush in your hand. You can start by trying the some different size of paintbrush and examine the result that made by standing at some distances from your wall. After that, you can continue on what appeal you that most. For the small room, you can stand in the middle of your room and you can try for spinning in a circle while you flicking the paint brush. For splatter painting, experimentation is the main principle to get a great result.
paint splatter wallpaper pictures
Don’t forget to prepare balloons to make your splatter paint wallpaper, fill the balloons with paints by using a funnel. After that, tie the balloons up and throw them on your walls randomly. Alternatively, if make holes in your walls is not an issue, you can pin balloons up, then throw the darts on them. Then, you can look for a water gun and fill it with paint. It can spray from long distance, before you spray on your wall, you will better to test the result first at the old sheet. After that you can apply the technique you want to your walls using the paint splatter wallpaper.