The 5 Most Common Types of House Spiders

American house illustration

American house illustration

If you stumble unexpectedly upon a cobweb or see an uninvited eight-legged intruder crawling on your bedroom wall, you’re most likely feeling understandably creeped out and might need the help of a spider pest control professional. More often than not, the spider in your home is one of the following five most common types of house spiders.

1. American House Spider
The American House Spider is the most common spider people encounter in North America and the least likely to get defensive and bite. They have a bulbous abdomen that is brown and speckled and lanky, comb-footed legs. They commonly make webs in areas like closets and basements.

2. Sac Spider
If you see a light yellow or beige spider crawling on your ceiling, chances are it’s a Sac Spider. They are often seen wandering at night as they leave their sac in search of their prey. Sac Spiders are a type of hunting spider and do not make a web.

3. Long-Bodied Cellar Spider
Often referred to as Daddy Longlegs, Long-Bodied Cellar Spiders are frequently found in garages, cellars, and sheds. They are easily identifiable due to their small bodies and extremely long, thin legs. Cellar Spiders create webs and are sometimes seen vibrating their webs when they feel threatened.

4. Hobo Spider
The Hobo Spider has dark orange or brown coloration and can be identified by the pale marking on its breastplate and dark chevron stripes on its abdomen. They prefer to make their funnel-shaped webs in warm, dry areas such as closets, attics, or behind furniture.

5. Jumping Spiders
As their name suggests, Jumping Spiders are known for their ability to jump extremely high, up to 25 times their own body length, when hunting their prey. Since they most often live outside, they can be found on any surface close to the outdoors such as a window, screen or wall exposed to sunlight.